Local. Trusted. Family Owned.

At NW Pro Clean, we are proud to offer high-quality commercial exterior cleaning services to businesses in Seattle and surrounding areas. Our team of experienced professionals uses the latest techniques and equipment to deliver exceptional results.
We offer a variety of services, including pressure washing, window cleaning, building washing, roof cleaning, and more. Our soft washing services can remove dirt, grime, and other debris from your building's exterior, leaving it looking fresh and clean. Our window cleaning services can restore the sparkle to your windows, allowing more natural light into your building and creating a more inviting environment. And our graffiti removal services can quickly and effectively remove unsightly graffiti, protecting your building's appearance and reputation.
In addition to our regular cleaning services, we also offer emergency services for urgent cleaning needs. We are available 24/7 to respond to any emergency and get your property back to its best condition as quickly as possible.
Call, text, or fill out our form to get your free quote today.

Having a thriving business image and safety with employees and business partners is extremely important. A dirty building puts the opportunities you hope to create on hold and may even cost you the business of customers. A dirty building affects how your customers and potential customers will view doing business with you. Our NW Pro Clean commercial pressure washing experts will remove unsightly stains and dirt that invade your workspace. We will make your business safe by cleaning your dumpster areas and any other areas where hazardous dirt builds up. We will strive to leave you satisfied and exceed your expectations.

Avoiding cleaning your business could turn members of the community as well as potential business partners away. Those who have considered doing business with you may be turned away by the curb appeal and uncleanliness of your building. The health and safety of your employees may also come into question. Ultimately the reputation of your business and the image you hope to build will be tarnished if the exterior of your commercial property is neglected or ignored. However, with the help of our commercial pressure washing professionals, your building will see the sophisticated professionalism it deserves.